Digital artworks

Digital artworks on canvas that are of identical size and look as the paintings produced in a very small and limited number of copies (1-3 pieces) with the artist's signature, title, serial number and stamp.

Can also be ordered with paintings by drMáriás that are not featured on the photos below.

Prices: 80 x 100 cm (250,000), 100 x 120 (300,000), 80 x 150 cm (350,000).

The afterparty following the last supper in Leonardo’s studio

80 x 150 cm 350,000 Ft

Bukowski in Matisse’s studio

100 x 80 cm 250,000 Ft

George Soros’ unexpected encounter with Hungarian surrealism in Magritte’s studio

80 x 100 cm 250,000 Ft

Viktor Orbán protects Baby Yoda from the coronavirus

100 x 80 cm 250,000 Ft

Katalin Karády waiting in Hopper’s studio

100 x 120 cm 300,000 Ft

I’m good at this as well! – Viktor Orbán paints Botticelli’s Venus

120 x 100 cm 300,000 Ft

The Tudósok band in Matisse’s studio

80 x 100 cm 250,000 Ft

Which one should I choose today in Magritte’s studio

100 x 120 cm 300,000 Ft

Have a good swim, comrade! – Stalin in Hockney’s studio

100 x 120 cm 300,000 Ft

János Kádár in Leonardo’s studio

120 x 100 cm 300,000 Ft

Viktor Orbán and János Áder baptizing Pope Francis in Lake Balaton

80 x 100 cm 250,000 Ft

Lenin plays the Internationale in Basquiat’s studio

80 x 100 cm 250,000 Ft

George Orwell in Magritte’s Studio

100 x 120 cm 300,000 Ft

Attila Banksy’s studio

100 x 80 cm 250,000 Ft

apitalism assassinates communism in Magritte’s studio

100 x 120 cm 300,000 Ft

Frank Zappa confesses his love to Marietta Méhes nearby the Tilos az Á in Edward Hopper’s studio

100 x 120 cm 300,000 Ft

The surreal wedding night of Sándor Petőfi and Júlia Szendrey in Picasso’s studio

80 x 100 cm 250,000 Ft

Endre Ady in Schiele’s studio

100 x 80 cm 250,000 Ft

Pope Francis protests against religious fanaticism in Banksy’s studio

80 x 100 cm 250,000 Ft

The modern family in Michelangelo’s studio

100 x 70 cm 250,000 Ft