2009, K.Petrys Ház, Budapest
Ibolya Dávid as Virgin Mary
Róbert Répássy surfing on the Zagyva
József Torgyán playing for an ass
Kóka as a dove above a plane
Péter Boross sermonizes wine
Ferenc Gyurcsány as Leonardo da Vinci
János Veres as the Blueberd’s Castle
Péter Kiss bows to a turkey
Viktor Orbán as Jesus Christ
Tibor Navracsics pressed by facts
Gábor Demszky painting eggs in the greak of the battle
Lajos Bokros as Poseidon
Drezsé bitter
Sólyom can’t land in Transylvania
Ildikó Ledvai is crying in the Sun
László Kövér the jedi-knight
Zsolt Semjén the saint scone
István Csurka wearing a Sandokan t-shirt