Hundred Years of Borders
Kieselbach Gallery – Brody Studios, Budapest
November 14 – December 14, 2019
- Marylin Monroe falls in love with Gyula Krúdy after reading his Book of Dreams at Matisse’s studio
- Tito and Horthy having breakfast on the grass with Elizabeth II and Indira Gandhi at Monet’s studio
- Beauty Leading People at Delacroix’s studio
- Ilona Gyulai at Gustav Klimt’s studio
- Sándor Márai crossing the Alps at David’s studio
- Katalin Karády at Edward Hopper’s studio
- Béla Lugosi on the peak of the Carpathians as in the studio of Caspar David Friedrich
- Ignác Trebitsch at Vlaminck’s studio
- Béla Bartók thinking about the Bluebeard’s Castle at Gauguin’s studio
- The Frog pops out of Géza Csáth’s head at Derain’s studio
- Dezső Kosztolányi after writing the Dawn Drunkenness at Georges Braque’s studio
- Endre Ady rescues the heavenly lamb at Franz Marc’s studio
- Miklós Horthy at René Magritte’s studio
- Hitler at Botero’s studio
- Stalin praying for the salvation of his victims at Chaim Soutine’s studio
- Today Uncle Lenin gave a religious lesson
- Pál Teleki in front of his red map at Paul Klee’s studio
- István Bethlen negotiates Hungary’s stepping out of war at James Ensor’s studio
- János Esterházy at Lajos Kassák’s studio
- György Lukács at Malevich’s studio
- Mihály Károlyi at Jean Metzinger’s studio
- István Tisza at Jasper Johns’ studio
- Franz Jozeph at Egon Schiele’s studio
- Franz Ferdinand and Gavrilo Princip at Georg Grosz’ studio