2009, K.Petrys Ház, Budapest
- Ibolya Dávid as Virgin Mary
- Róbert Répássy surfing on the Zagyva
- József Torgyán playing for an ass
- Kóka as a dove above a plane
- Péter Boross sermonizes wine
- Ferenc Gyurcsány as Leonardo da Vinci
- János Veres as the Blueberd’s Castle
- Péter Kiss bows to a turkey
- Viktor Orbán as Jesus Christ
- Tibor Navracsics pressed by facts
- Gábor Demszky painting eggs in the greak of the battle
- Lajos Bokros as Poseidon
- Drezsé bitter
- Sólyom can’t land in Transylvania
- Ildikó Ledvai is crying in the Sun
- László Kövér the jedi-knight
- Zsolt Semjén the saint scone
- István Csurka wearing a Sandokan t-shirt