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We suffered much more |
800 000 Ft |
800 000 Ft |
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Péter Magyar smashes the door of the cemetery of the Hungarian regime changes and kicks off his fight in Polke’s studio |
300 000 Ft |
300 000 Ft |
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Viktor Orbán and János Áder baptizing Pope Francis in Lake Balaton |
300 000 Ft |
300 000 Ft |
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The dilemma of the contemporary artist, what and how to paint in order to meet the complex political, economic, art-historical and social expectations of today |
900 000 Ft |
900 000 Ft |
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The afterparty following the last supper in Leonardo's studio |
400 000 Ft |
400 000 Ft |
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Greta decided to fight Davos with a grenade in Léger's studio |
750 000 Ft |
750 000 Ft |
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Antal Szerb dreaming Passenger and moonlight in Csontváry Taormin |
350 000 Ft |
350 000 Ft |