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Under pressure from Brussels, Viktor Orbán apologizes to the LGBTQ representatives of the animal world, blesses them, and then asks them to show solidarity with the hetero animals and people who will soon flee the city to join them |
300 000 Ft |
300 000 Ft |
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János Kádár in Leonardo's studio |
350 000 Ft |
350 000 Ft |
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Have a good swim, comrade! - Stalin in Hockney's studio |
350 000 Ft |
350 000 Ft |
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Pope Francis protests against religious fanaticism in Banksy's studio |
300 000 Ft |
300 000 Ft |
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Himnikus idők himnuszai |
2 500 Ft |
2 500 Ft |
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drMáriás-Fábry: Etűdök rókafűrészre és fröccsöntött szarkára |
8 990 Ft |
8 990 Ft |